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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Jones

Jones RV Adventures: Divine Detours

Updated: Aug 1

After weeks of preparation, the day finally arrived for our New England adventure. The inspiration struck one morning: South Carolina is blazing hot in the summer, and New England’s cooler climate beckoned. Plus, we’d never been there before. Our goal is to travel to all 50 states in the next decade, and this trip was our next step.

Originally, we planned to leave on June 30, but with excitement bubbling over, we decided to set off a day earlier. By 10 AM, everyone was packed, ready, and loaded into the car for our 6.5-hour drive. Before leaving, I said a prayer over our home, and once on the road, we prayed together in the car for a safe journey.

Crossing the bridge off the island, a burning smell filled the air. The kids quickly alerted us, and we wondered if it was coming from our car. We continued cautiously, but as we went up a second hill, the smell persisted, and we realized it was indeed our car.

An elderly man, smiling warmly, is sitting comfortably on the bed inside a camper. He is wearing a grey shirt with suspenders and light-colored pants, and he appears relaxed and content. The interior of the camper is cozy, with a glimpse of the kitchen area visible.
Grandpa enjoying a cozy moment in the camper, always smiling despite the rain. His joy for camping reminds me to embrace every adventure.

We knew there was a marina coming up on the right, so we pulled into the lot and hoped someone would help us. The owner, we'll call him Mr. Johnson, was the first one to help us when we pulled into the lot, and his team inspected our hitch and weight distribution. Despite our calculations and the car’s towing capacity, it turned out our car couldn’t safely tow our RV.

We had to leave the RV at the marina. Mr. Johnson graciously offered to deliver it to a local campground for us. As we pulled out of the lot, disappointment filled the car.

Our grand adventure was stalled before it even began.

We found ourselves in a parking lot, grappling with the sudden change of plans.

At that moment, I remembered a camping trip with my grandpa back in 2011. It was September in Ohio, and my husband and I were stuck inside the camper with him due to rain. Despite the weather, Grandpa’s smile was radiant. He was simply happy to be camping with us. That memory brought clarity: we could make the best of this situation, just like Grandpa did.

So, we decided to pretend we were far from home, embracing the day as an unexpected adventure. Though it wasn’t the grand start we envisioned, it became a special day close to home.

Three black cows graze peacefully in a lush green field at a campground, with tall trees and a blue sky in the background.   2/2
Cows grazing peacefully at a nearby field, a delightful surprise on our detour.

Highlights of the Day:

Watching cows graze in a nearby field and hearing them chomp the grass, with baby cows frolicking around.

The kids’ delight and laughter as they navigated the campground shower.

Cozy moments reading books together in the RV before bed.

Lessons of the Day:

Detours are divine interventions. We intended to reach Richmond, VA, but God had other plans. We ended up camping locally, a reminder that His eye is on the sparrow, and He watches over us.

Character shines through actions. Mr. Johnson reminded me of two bosses I've had. One was too good to take out the trash because he had "made it." The other would pick up the trash himself if he saw it. Mr. Johnson, like the second boss, didn't hesitate to help us out of a tough spot, showing that true leadership is about service.

Make the best of every situation. Wear flip-flops in campground showers, and be grateful for the hills and bridges that reveal hidden dangers, keeping us safe.

Here’s to embracing the journey, no matter where it leads!



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