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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Jones

Canvas of the Soul Week 2: Creativity - It’s In You

Updated: Jun 12

Hey there, friends! Welcome back to our second week together in the "Canvas of the Soul" series. Last time, we talked about finding inspiration in the vast beauty of the world around us. This week, let’s get a bit more personal and talk about the creative spark inside each of us.

How does it feel to recognize that creating is not just something you do, but part of who you are?
How does it feel to recognize that creating is not just something you do, but part of who you are?

Week 2: Creativity - It’s In You

A Story About Finding That Spark:

Meet Renee. She’s a painter whose studio is her happy place. It’s where colors meet emotions, and blank canvases turn into expressions of life. One evening, while working on a piece that just didn’t want to cooperate, Renee hit a wall. Everything felt off. But in that moment of struggle, she had a realization. This drive to create, even when it’s tough, wasn’t just a hobby or a way to pass the time; it was part of who she was. She wasn’t just making art; she was expressing something fundamental about herself, something that needed to be shared. This realization wasn’t about reaching for some grand artistic achievement; it was about understanding that the need to create is a core part of us all.

Thinking About What We’re Made Of:

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." - Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

Let’s sit with this idea for a second. If we’re made in the image of a creator, doesn’t that mean there’s a bit of that creative spirit in each of us? It’s not about being religious or spiritual; it’s about acknowledging that creativity is part of our DNA. It’s what makes us human.

Reflecting This Week:

Let’s use this week to really listen to our inner creative voices. Think about those moments when you’re in the zone, when time flies, and you’re just loving what you’re doing. That’s your creativity speaking. How does it feel to recognize that creating is not just something you do, but part of who you are?

A Couple of Questions for You:

  1. Have you ever felt that deep need to create, like it was something more than just a hobby?

  2. What does it mean for you to integrate this understanding of creativity as part of your identity into your daily life?

A Simple Prayer:

Dear Lord, Thanks for this creativity we all share. Help us to embrace it, grow it, and use it to bring a bit of joy and beauty into our corners of the world. Let’s make something great, not because we have to, but because it’s who we are and because you created us. In your precious name, Amen.

What do you think? Have you had a moment like Renee’s, where creating felt like more than just doing something you love, but rather like living out a part of your identity? I’d love to hear your stories or thoughts in the comments!

Catch you next week as we look at creative blocks and keeping the flame burning.

Your art, your creations, they’re a part of your story. Let’s make them count.

Keep creating!


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